SETI.UK is a long established distributed computing team which began as a SETI@home team.
Anybody is welcome to join our teams across the BOINC range of projects.
Remember to join our team on each individual BOINC project you are participating in.
These are the current active projects in which our team has a presence:
#Amicable Numbers ¦ Join Team To collect all amicable numbers up to a very large limit.
#Asteroids@home ¦ Join Team To significanly enlarge our knowledge of physical properties of asteroids. ¦ Join Team Research in climate science.
#DENIS@Home ¦ Join Team To develop and simulate mathematical models that investigate the heart.
#Einstein@Home ¦ Join Team Search for weak astrophysical signals from spinning neutron stars (often called pulsars).
#Gerasim@Home ¦ Join Team Testing and comparison of heuristic methods for getting separations of parallel algorithms working in the CAD system for designing logic control systems.
#GPUGRID ¦ Join Team Devoted to biomedical research allowing scientists to perform molecular simulations to understand the function of proteins in health and disease.
#iThena.Computational ¦ Join Team #iThena.Measurements ¦ Join Team Experimental mapping of network structures included in the Internet. Currently, the project is divided into two separate subsystems.
#latinsquares (ODLK1) ¦ Join Team ODLK is building a database of canonical forms of diagonal Latin squares of the 10th order.
#LHC@home ¦ Join Team To advance Particle and Accelerator Physics.
#LODA ¦ Join Team An assembly language, a computational model, and a distributed tool for mining programs.
#MilkyWay@Home ¦ Join Team To create a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
#Moo! Wrapper ¦ Join Team Run applications from
#NFS@home ¦ Join Team A research project that uses computers to do the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers.
#NumberFields@home ¦ Join Team Research in number theory.
#ODLK ¦ Join Team ODLK is building a database of canonical forms of diagonal Latin squares of the 10th order.
#PrimeGrid ¦ Join Team Prime number finding.
#Radioactive@Home ¦ Join Team Creating a free and continuously updated map of radiation levels using sensors connected to volunteers' computers. You must buy a sensor to participate.
#Rake search ¦ Join Team The enormous size of the diagonal Latin squares space makes it unfeasible to enumerate all its objects straightforwardly in reasonable time. So, in order to discover the structure of this space, sophisticated search methods are needed. Pick up separate pairs of mutually orthogonal DLSs, allowing reconstruction of full graphs of orthogonality.
#RNA World ¦ Join Team Aims to advance RNA-related research.
#Rosetta@home ¦ Join Team
(Ralph@home ¦ Join Team Alpha test project.) Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases.
#SiDock@home ¦ Join Team An international volunteer computing project aimed at drug discovery.
#SRBase ¦ Join Team A mathematical research project that uses Internet-connected computers trying to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030.
#TN-Grid ¦ Join Team A platform that does research in various scientific projects.
#Universe@Home ¦ Join Team Research project that uses volunteers to do research in physics and astronomy.
#World Community Grid ¦ Join Team Enables anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet to donate their unused computing power to advance cutting-edge scientific research on topics related to health, poverty and sustainability..
#WUProp@Home ¦ Join Team A non-intensive project which collects workunit properties of BOINC projects such as computation time, memory requirements, checkpointing interval or report limit.
#YAFU ¦ Join Team YAFU's goal is to factorize numbers up to 149 digit length which are needed to bring Aliquot Sequences to a size of at least 140.
#yoyo@home ¦ Join Team Brings existing distributed computing projects to the BOINC world.